What is Kimera
Kimera’s AGI is an infrastructure technology where AGI Nodes running on networks around the globe deliver information about how to establish peer-to-peer connections to any other network-connected device.
AGI may be thought of as an infrastructure technology. Consider the following example :
A human who wants to exit through a doorway will first notice whether the door is open or closed It is the brain that comprehends and evaluates the position of the door and, if it is closed, the brain will communicate to the appropriate muscles the necessary actions the body needs to take to open the door In other words, it is the brain that determines what is action is required and to communicates with the
body to complete the task Similarly, an AGI Node acts as the brain and the devices—software applications, content and services found across the global network—act as the body parts. As the AGI Node understands what needs to change in our environment to move us closer to realizing our goals, it tells these “body parts” how to behave to increase the probability of influencing changes in the environment and achieving the intended
goal The result is a network that proactively establishes peer-to-peer connections across the global network to bring together the right agents, software and content to influence the right changes in the environment These peer-to-peer connections provide great benefits to participants and software and content developers :
- Participants will notice that some decision making becomes autonomous. How much authority an Agent has for autonomous decision making is controlled by each person.
- When Agents cannot, or do not, have authority to make autonomous decisions, the right software is automatically delivered to people’s devices, providing people with the tools they need to move closer to their goals.
- Software developers who develop these applications ( be it a shopping list, profile viewer, public transportation application, etc. ) don’t have to worry about app distribution and marketing. Once the AGI Node sees a match between a person’s need and the value of an app, the AGI Node will recommend to a person’s Agent to present the app on their device
- EMPOWERING GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE To move humanity forward, AGI needs an enormous amount of sensor data gathered from connected devices. Some of these devices already exist and are currently generating data, such as smartphones or smartwatches. Other devices exist, but aren’t yet connected to the global network. The 20 billion devices1 that are currently connected the network are enough to begin raising AGI from infancy, but a fully mature AGI will require far more.
- Elon Musk & Bill Gates believe that AGI will create a malevolent super intelligence in a “few minutes or hours after AGI is turned on.”2 What their arguments fail to account for is where all the data will come from and how it will be processed.
- AGI will become an “observer” which builds knowledge over time to a point that is larger than what exists today. To create this amount of deep knowledge, Kimera has designed an entire ecosystem that encourages users, developers, network operators, device manufacturers, and others to participate in the network by connecting their devices and supplying data. This will help create a global intelligent network that powers the next trillion devices
- MOVING HUMANITY FORWARD Society has advanced more in the past several decades than it has in a millennium. Despite all our technological and societal advances, we struggle to overcome some of the same fundamental challengesglobal
- poverty, disease, and the distribution of wealth and power, to name just a few Humanity has a long way to go.
- Kimera envisions a future where people are surrounded by intelligent things that can understand each individual, anticipate their goals and proactively assist them in everyday life. This could translate into helping an individual book a plane ticket or helping all of society reducing homelessness. In this future, machines augment our thinking and either automate some decision making or proactively deliver the content or services needed to assist in the decision-making process Unlike today’s digital app stores and online social networks where people actively seek out resources,
- Kimera’s solution automatically handles search and discovery behind the scenes. The capability of a truly intelligent machine will blend into the background of our lives, freeing people from constantly having to operate their devices and instead allow them to focus instead on living their lives to their fullest potential.
- The AGI fueling these machines, or objects, will be a non-sentient AGI that is completely void of “selfish goals” and instead focused on helping people pursue their individual goals. The aggregate result will be revolutionary impacts on society

AGI is a very sophisticated and complex technology. It takes years of research and creative thinking to flourish. Because Kimera wants this technology to be owned by humans, we want the tech community to understand it.
Kimera's AGI is based on General Theory of Intelligence, which defines intelligence from a quantum physics perspective, rather than a neuroscience approach.
To achieve general learning, our single algorithm learning machine focuses on learning cause and effect by observing the reality through the user's device. This knowledge is encoded into "subnets" used to build space-time-and-effect-centric models. These models are used to understand what needs to be changed in reality to help people achieve their goals.

There are more than 200 million smart phones produced in 2017. But these devices and other digital devices have to go through intermediaries to connect with content and services. You have to go to Facebook to see photos of your friends. You have to go through Uber to get a ride.
This model limits what users and developers can do, because these powerful intermediaries control everything.

At Kimera, we will use Nigel AGI to make our existing devices smarter to provide real-time solutions for everyday life. Nigel AGI understands what you do and why you do it, and will be able to organize changes in our environment to help you achieve your goals, whatever it is.
Rather than having to go to the app store, your phone will know which apps you need, when you need them, and will proactively advise them to you to simplify your life. Your phone will know when you need a ride, and connect you directly to the driver.
Creating smart devices will allow the Internet to proactively build peer-to-peer connections, and as a result, intermediary services will no longer be needed.
- Users
Users will experience their device becomes smarter. Their device will start automating itself, and proactively make peer-to-peer connections. Users can choose to share some or all of their device sensor data with AGI network. They will be paid in a KIMERA token each month for the sensor data they share.
- Developer
Developers will experience a decentralized backward app store model. AGI in the network will proactively search for users who need their applications in real-time and send them to them. AGI will also combine pieces of content and applications together to provide a very personal service. Developers are paid at KIMERA every time their app is used.
- Network Operator and Device Manufacturer
Network Operators and Device Manufacturers facilitate the exchange of sensory data, purchases between users and app developers, and other exchanges on the AGI network. Each time they participate in one of these exchanges, they are paid in the token KIMERA.
The unique aspect of the Kimera token economy will quickly attract millions of users and developers, as well as major network operators and device manufacturers.
Artificial Intelligence is one of the most powerful technologies ever discovered. We use the evidence of Blockchain's consensus technology to ensure that no government or powerful group can control AGI through targeted fraud learning.

Kimera plans to have tens of thousands of AGI nodes around the world in 2-3 years. This will prevent any government or company - including Kimera - from being able to use AGI maliciously and teach fake AGI information. For AGI as a whole to learn a piece of knowledge, at least 50% + 1 must be given approval. This means that no person or group of people can maliciously teach false things to AGI to exercise power over others. This is why Blockchain technology is actually important to Nigel AGI.
- Board Representation
The holder of Kimera's sign will have a strong voice in the company's decision-making. Kimera's board of directors will have two seats in which only the token holder can vote.
- Buy - Back Token
Users will be given the option to pay in fiat currency for AGI transactions, but the currency will automatically be used to purchase Kimera token in exchange, and the token will be used to complete the transaction. This automated repurchase system will create a unique ecosystem that should put positive pressure on the token value.
- Token Supported by Intellectual Property
As our AGI technology learns and grows, so does our token usage. Since Kimera token is supported by our IP, there is also a theoretical floor for token value.
The Kimera AGI technology and its token economics is about developing a future model for humanity – a model designed around each individual, not the 1%ers. The token distribution represents a carefully designed model to drive the token economy at a micro-scale and allow us to scale.
Token Details
Funds Distribution
Token Distribution
Quarter Completed Milestone
- 2005 Start of research – Artificial General Intelligence and Future Economics
- 2007 Early non-AGI incarnation brought to market under “GoLife Mobile”
- 2010 First prototype of AGI functional
- 2012 AGI technology more mature. Kimera Systems, Inc. incorporated in Oregon, USA
- 2015 Telecom Council of Silicon Valley nominates Kimera as the most disruptive startup
- Q2 2016 Seed funding closed (~$500K)
- Q3 2016 1st Beta test conducted: ~20 people in Portland, OR.
- Q2 2017 2nd Beta Test conducted: 1,000 people worldwide. First “transfer learning” detected
- Q4 2017 ICO plans adopted by Board of Directors
- Q1 2018 Private pre-sale oversubscribed
- Q1 2018 Rochester Institute of Technology announces they will take in Nigel AGI for research
Kimera intends to aggressively execute on our business strategy to bring maximum value to token holders.
The 24-month roadmap
Quarter Milestone
- Q3 2018 First app and SDK acquisitions
- Q4 2018 First app integration complete
- 1H 2019 Agent Open Source Code available
- 2H 2019 AGI Node available
- 2H 2019 Revenue target: $3 million annualized
- 1H 2020 1,000 AGI Nodes globally
- 2H 2020 First device manufacturer partnership
- 2H 2020 Revenue target: $10 million annualized
For more details about our ICO, you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :
- Website : https://kimera.ai/
- White paper : https://kimera.ai/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Kimera-Whitepaper.pdf
- Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kimerasystems/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/kimerasystems
- Telegram : https://t.me/KimeraAGI
- Youtube : https://youtu.be/KJp43ahcLmc
Article Author : BlackMask97
ETH : 0x4A872D9F27CC3Ddafc00714d6100aB6fAb6613ca
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