Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

ADVISORY NETWORK - Changing the Consulting Services Industry Using Blockchain Technology

Image result for advisory network bounty

Introduction to Advisory Network

Many shortcomings in the phone service system at this time. The cost of expensive services, the lack of profitability, the complicated registration of services, and the delayed payment is a problem with the telephone service system that must be solved immediately. This is because in order to carry out the service, the advisor must register with the telecommunications service provider to set tariffs for each minute call, and when the user dials the service number, the telecommunications service provider will reduce the cost of the user account at the preset level. A portion of the fee will be transferred to the service provider, and most will be saved as a commission for network operators by the end of the month after cross-examination. The presence of blockchain technology brings benefits in any field including the field of phone service.
AdvisoryNetwork offers a connection solution between organizations and individuals that provide consulting services to end users through voice and video calls. AdvisoryNetwork is Blockchain Software as a Service (BSaaS) which provides Business to Business model to consumer (B2B2C). Advisory Network provides a software solution for service provision. Service providers provide consulting services to users, they need to update the information they have about services, experience, advisories, and call rates per minute. With Advisory Network users can easily find the right service provider, and know the service rates for every minute before the consultation. Consultation can be done by voice call or video call.
  • AdvisoryNetwork Management Platform 
    Is a backoffice system managing tenants such as organizations, individuals who want to implement online services, as well as company profiles and advisors and call costs.
  • AdvisoryNetwork Hub 
    Is a mobile / desktop feature that allows users to easily search for online consulting services, view company profiles, advisory information, call rates per minute, and make voice / video calls to advisors.
  • AdvisoryExpert 
    is a mobile / desktop app for service advisors to receive and answer calls from customers.
Benefits and Advantages Advisory Network
Advisory Network is the best solution to solve the problems of the current telephone service system. The benefits and benefits of Advisory Network are:
  1. Reducing costs and Gaining Maximum Benefits The 
    use of blockchain systems makes it unnecessary for intermediaries that lead to costly use of services. That way service providers are more benefited.
  2. Good Maneuverability 
    Advisory Network also offers an extension utility that allows each service provider to issue their own customized mobile app for each of its services.
  3. Instant Payments 
    Advisory Network allows advisors to be paid directly without third-party intermediaries. Callers do not have to pay in advance, when payment is processed during a call through a smart contract system.
  4. Implementation of Easy Services 
    Implementation of the solution can be shortened from several months to several hours in system settings.
  5. Good reliability 
    Smart contracts and the blockchain system will make payments and services more reliable.
Information TOKEN ADN and ICO
Token ADN is the ERC20 token used on the Advisory Network platform. This token will be used for service and provider fees. The ADN Token will list in the cryptocurrency exchanger and can later be sold and bought there. Total token ADN is 900,000,000 ADN tokens and will be distributed according to the diagram below :

The ADN token will be sold cheaply during the ICO. Investors also get bonuses when buying tokens during the ICO. Bonuses earned by purchase period, Here is ICO information : 
ICO Pre-Sale 

ICO Main Sale


Funds earned during the ICO period will be used to develop the proye, here are the details of the ICO fund distribution :

TIM Advisory Network
Advisory Network has a solid team and experienced in the field. It can be checked on LinkedIn from each team member. The following is a team from Advisory Network:


For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :

Auteur de l'article : BlackMask97
ETH : 0x4A872D9F27CC3Ddafc00714d6100aB6fAb6613ca

BiNeuro - la plate-forme de neuro publicitaire la plus efficace

Au sujet de BiNeuro

La popularité de l'industrie cryptographique se développe rapidement, progressivement, elle pénètre dans chaque segment. Les premiers investisseurs, qui croyaient aux perspectives du crypto-marché, ont aujourd'hui des résultats tangibles.  L'abondance des technologies Internet innove à un développement rapide du marché de la crypto-monnaie.  Le monde des technologies de l'information est en constante évolution, aujourd'hui nous voyons l'introduction d'un grand nombre d'innovations dans ce segment.  La technologie de blocage offre un grand nombre d'avantages, ce qui explique les investisseurs aux projets sur les chaînes de blocs.
La plaque-forme décentralisée BiNeuro est l'un des projets qui mérite vraiment l'attention des investisseurs.  La plateforme est conçue pour optimiser la neuro-publicité efficace.  Les créateurs de BiNeuro sont convaincus que leur plate-forme est capable de rendre le segment publicitaire aussi efficace que possible.  Les projets potentiels sont énormes - l'entreprise coopère activement avec Google, ce qui vous permet d'obtenir le soutien d'une marque bien connue.
BiNeuro est une intelligence artificielle capable de recevoir et d'accumuler une certaine expérience.  Chaque nouvelle campagne publicitaire permet à BiNeuro de devenir «plus intelligent».  À l'intérieur de la plateforme, il n'y a pas encore l'optimisation neurale, mais aussi des expertises.  Les entreprises modernes peuvent être des millions de dollars sur les projets publicitaires si elles profitent de l'écosystème décentralisé de BiNeuro et de ses propositions les plus rentables et efficaces.
Aujourd'hui, BiNeuro est utilisé par les petites agences qui font la police.  Les développeurs du projet ont réussi à collecter l'argent pour réaliser le potentiel initial de la plateforme.  Maintenant, l'aide de nouveaux investisseurs est nécessaire, de sorte que le projet peut donner aux clients des possibilités de publicité vraiment innovantes.
BiNeuro utilise des contrats intellectuels, ainsi que l'expérience accumulée, pour travailler de manière très efficace.  Une publicité efficace et sûre est le résultat du travail de la plateforme BiNeuro.  
Comment BiNeuro fonctionne
Grâce à l'intelligence artificielle innovante, BiNeuro peut facilement accumuler l'expérience.  Les développeurs ont réussi à mener plus de 80 000 campagnes d'expérimentation dans les tests, maintenant leur plaque-forme peut se vanter de près de 800 ans d'expérience d'une personne ordinaire.  Le logiciel utilisé par BiNeuro n'a aucune faiblesse - il est en constante évolution, prêt à accepter tous les changements, quelle que soit la situation.  Cette approche vous permet de rendre la publicité aussi efficace que possible - une personne ne peut pas faire face à une telle charge et démontrer un résultat similaire.
Le projet est basé sur la technologie des blocs, ce qui permet de rendre le travail à l'intérieur de la plateforme sûre et efficace.
Quelles sont les perspectives ouvertes aux clients de BiNeuro :
Une notation fiable de chaque participant dans cet écosystème décentralisé.  Il est formé à partir de l'expérience précédente de faire les tâches assignées
Possibilité de trouver des collaborateurs à la mise en œuvre d'un projet donné, en fonction de la notation existante
Les participants décentralisés plate -  forme BiNeuro peut conclure divers accords pour effectuer une transaction - contrats intelligents garantissent la  sécurité, aucun problème avec frauduleux 
systèmes ;
Pour la publicité, les services Google sera utilisé.
Qui peut utiliser les services de BiNeuro
Ce service est disponible pour les entreprises qui tentent de mettre en place leurs produits, les pigistes spécialisés dans ce segment, une petite agence de publicité.  Pourquoi les petites agences ne peuvent pas rivaliser dans leur segment?  Tout autour de coûts énormes - les professionnels à temps plein dans les bureaux centralisés ont besoin d'un salaire énorme.  Cette approche est obsolète et ne permet pas de progresser.  Mais la plate-forme de BiNeuro décentralisée transportera une quantité importante de commandes, en utilisant les services de pigistes qualifiés ( en raison de la note, le client sera en mesure de comprendre le niveau de compétence de l'exécutif ).
Équipe vidéo officielle BiNeuro

BiNeuro prévoit actuellement une Initial Coin Offering (ICO) pour financer le développement de sa blockchain, c'est donc la meilleure opportunité d'investir dans l'entreprise. Ce projet est déjà en cours et le succès d'ICO ne fera qu'affecter la rapidité du changement, pas le projet lui-même.
Les jetons sont basés sur ERC20 et vous pouvez les acheter pour 0,0001 ETH chacun. Cependant, il existe certaines réductions.
  • Nom du jeton - BiNuro
  • Plate-forme - Ethereum
  • Symbole de jeton - BNR
  • Le nombre de jetons émis est de 850 000 000 BNR
  • Investissement minimum - 500 BNR
  • La taxe symbolique est de 1 BNR = 0,0001 ETH
  • Casquette rigide - 47 000 ETH
Un nombre fixe de jetons sera émis, le volume des ventes sera limité par Hard Cap, les jetons invendus seront brûlés. La distribution des jetons se fera via un contrat intelligent. Les fonds collectés seront utilisés pour le développement de l'écosystème, l'intégration du jeton et le financement de la publicité et du marketing.
Soft Cap - n'est pas fourni ( puisque la version WEB de BiNeuro fonctionne déjà, tout montant de fonds reçus peut aller à sa promotion marketing, donc Soft Cap n'est pas conseillé ).
En atteignant la fin de la vente de jetons de hard cap
BiNeuro prévoit actuellement une Initial Coin Offering ( ICO ) pour financer le développement de sa blockchain, c'est donc la meilleure opportunité d'investir dans l'entreprise. Ce projet est déjà en cours et le succès d'ICO ne fera qu'affecter la rapidité du changement, pas le projet lui-même.
Répartition des fonds
entrez la description de l'image ici

Feuille de route





Pour plus de détails sur notre ICO, vous pouvez également visiter notre site Web adresse ci-dessous de moi et merci:
Auteur de l'article: BlackMask97
ETH: 0x4A872D9F27CC3Ddafc00714d6100aB6fAb6613ca

Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

ExoLover - the Blockchain Gives Vent to Sensual Fantasies

Image result for ExoLover bounty

What is Exolover
Exolover is a collection of innovative adult novelty devices that allow users to experience sexual sensation with virtual or remote partners. Exolover users interact with others in immersive virtual sexual experiences, which do not transmit sexual sensations to other the body experiences. This device was born with the idea of exo-skeleton - ExoLover device also includes a body part and provides assistance to satisfy sex life more fully. ExoLover is able to find the people present with a current partner, when they are separated by a distance, new partners are also present, and play with their deep fantasies. ExoLover completely changed the idea of the possibility of getting satisfaction with sex. This project is designed to replace this approach rather than the most common but perhaps the biggest problem. Electronic devices have a set of hardware and software that allows programs to organize and control sexual intercourse. Decentralized platforms will simplify the enrollment process according to the principle of the anonymity

The missions of the project are

• To give them the experience of perfect sexual intercourse
• To allow people to feel the sensation of sex without the presence of a partner
• The sexual satisfaction is completely safe and one to get a feel protected from violence in a convenient location
• To create a process for finding partners more quickly and easily
• The biggest self-realization in sexual life to enable knowledge
• People to be able to timely fulfill their sexual desires to reduce tensions

The Exolover Vision

In the last few decades, the invention of new technology has revolutionized the world around us. We brought the computer to our pockets from grocery shopping to social interaction, our daily needs are available in one click. Most new business models are tech-based and use innovation such as cloud computing, automation and artificial intelligence to do more efficiently and more effectively. But industry maniples by our continuously expanded digital world - sex toy industry, ExoLover is here to change it. Combined with the new limitations of decentralized networks, the sex toy industry will never be the same with state-of-the-art projects for developing modern sex toys. Our innovative tools alone are capable of broadcasting realistic sensations of full sexual relationships or partners around the world. Our decentralized web platform will provide an anonymous user connection that enables them to reach the peak of pleasure without real physical contact. Gender is an integral part of our life and we think about it many times a day. Most of us dream without having the help of the spouse or make sexual rest. But we are embarrassed to talk about it. ExoLover recently changed its look completely. This allows single and such people who do not have regular sex, wherever they are, to find the partners to get home and avoid stress. Also, the process becomes as realistic as possible
Official Video ExoLover :

Figure 1. ExoLover - a virtual platform for real pleasure
The developers of ExoLover offer a technology, anonymous and secure platform for the search for the sexual relaxation. Each user can realize bold fantasies at any convenient time, with a suitable partner. Without advertising, risk, condemnation - with the help of the innovative devices that simulate the physical contact.
How Does ExoLover Platform Work and Whom it will be Useful To?
The developers of ExoLover know how important privacy is: not everyone is ready to share fantasies with a regular partner, needless to say, strangers. The blockchain helps out: the user profiles are anonymous, everyone can specify their preferences, and the search for a partner accelerates and becomes more effective.

Figure 2. The main advantages of the ExoLover system
The developers identify six components of the system.
1. Decentralized web platform – the imitation of physical contacts between users is anonymous and safe anywhere in the world where there is Wi-Fi. Everyone can realize fantasies without harm to a partner and revealing one's personality. This will make life easier for people with disabilities or unable to have regular sex due to external factors (families with young children, couples living in different cities).
2. Cutting-edge functionality - all the devices offered by ExoLover simulate the nuances of the sexual act (touch, petting, and reciprocating movements) so that the user receives maximum satisfaction. Compromise between casual relationships and total absence of sexual life - safe and anonymous virtual sex.
3. Unrestricted intimacy – the devices built on the basis of the exoskeleton are controlled by real partners chosen by the user. This ensures the coincidence of tastes, the ability to embody secret desires without harm and the risk of shocking someone.
4. Live your fantasy - the profile data is completely anonymous, the KYC procedure is not applied to them. The user can specify any name, avatar, list their preferences and wishes for a partner, and participate in role-playing games.
5. Cryptocurrency wallet - user's funds are stored in a cryptocurrency wallet in an encrypted form, that's why no one will know his real data. The transactions are fast, with minimal fees.
6. Proof of connect - regular ExoLover users receive a reward for each new relationship. The developers emphasize that the virtual contacts can't completely replace live communication, so they encourage users to pay more attention to their desires with the help of a platform.
Figure 3. How to use the platform
The mission of ExoLover is to create an anonymous, safe and flexible space where everyone can get vivid sensations and an unusual sensory experience. Unlike Tinder and dating sites, the real contact between people does not happen, all users are anonymous - this protects the privacy of everyone, excludes negative consequences of any kind, allows you to get satisfaction at any time, in any convenient place.
How Will the ICO ExoLover be Held and What will be With the Project Next?
Developers released a billion EXO tokens at a price between 5 to 9 cents for each (the price increases by a cent every subsequent week). Released tokens will be implemented during the ICO ( 70% ), transferred to the team of advisers and developers (15%), the organization itself ( 11% ), used to encourage users (3%). The remaining 1% is planned to be spent on the Bounty project.
The pre-sale of the tokens will start on May 29, 2018, the main round of ICO will begin on June 29, the minimum investment threshold is 0.1 ETH. Developers plan to collect a maximum of 25 million dollars ( hard cap ).
According to the Roadmap, the development of the platform began in March 2018, the team will work on improving the ExoLover until January 2019 so that the devices simulate real contact most accurately. Certificates for technology and materials will be obtained, the first versions of devices will be released, the video instructions for users will be shot at the end of the first quarter of 2019. The MVP of the project will be issued in June-August 2019.
The project ExoLover refers to a fundamentally new way to implement the blockchain into the real life of people, however, the lack of a working MVP and a plan for using the collected funds raise some doubts.


The Marketplace

And while many other products on the market see even more projects going on in the world of sexual technology, ExoLover connects users through peer-to-peer platform based blokchain-based social networking with an innovative device to transmit the first real sexual sensation To do The target market for exolover can be estimated that less than 50% of the customers do not use virtual sex in all the variations ( cyberax, sex robot, sex phone, sex, erotic video chat etc ) Affordable equipment capable of simulating sexual intercourse will incite explosive demand. In simple words, everyone wants to try something new.
  • 1,000,000,000 EXO Tokens will be produced to conduct a Token Distribution Event
  • 700,000,000 EXO Tokens will be sent for exchange on Pre-Initial and Initial token distribution
PreInitial token distribution starts 29/05/2018 
1st week  1EXO = $0.050
2nd week 1EXO = $0.060
3rd week  1EXO = $0.070
4th week  1EXO = $0.080 
Initial token distribution starts 29/06/2018 
1st week  1EXO = $0.085
2nd week 1EXO = $0.090
3rd week  1EXO = $0.095
4th week  1EXO = $0.100
  • Minimum exchange is 0.1 ETH
  • Soft cap is $500,000. Hard cap is $25,000,000
EXO Token Distribution 1 000 000 000
Image result for ExoLover bounty







I think that the project really is not just interested in me. Something new and unique is there. ExoLover will undoubtedly succeed in developing and improving its unique products, so it is necessary to look at ICO as such

SoftCap already assembled! This indicates that the team has started developing the project and any investment in it will be justified

For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :

Article Author : BlackMask97
ETH : 0x4A872D9F27CC3Ddafc00714d6100aB6fAb6613ca

Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

LabStart ( LAB ) - Investment Platform for Innovation Projects


Hi dears, another interesting project is being started. First of all, for who missed previous entry, what's a cryptocurrency? To be fast and concise, it is a digital medium of exchange. And the next question would be... What's your use? It is also easy to guarantee the security, integrity and balance of your financial statements by means of a network of agents ( segmented file transfer or multisource file transfer ) that verify ( untrust ) each other called miners, which are, for the most part, general public and actively protect the network ( the web ) by maintaining a high rate of algorithm processing, in order to have the opportunity to receive a small tip, which is distributed randomly.
All this racket of cryptomoney has been increasing exponentially, however, most people know nothing about how blockchain technology works, what a smart contract is and how it could be used. For this very reason, I will first of all carefully introduce this type of block chain technology.
Blockchain is a decentralized general ledger. It is a computer network that has an identical copy of the database and changes its status ( records ) to a common agreement based on pure mathematics. All this means that there is no need for any central server or any entity we trust ( e.g. central bank, notaries, banks, paypal, etc. ). The blockchain is the technological basis for all cryptomontages, whether Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, etc.
An important part of the blockchain is the smart contracts, a piece of code that is stored in the blockchain network (in each participant's database). It basically defines the conditions to which all parties using the contract agree. Therefore, if the required conditions are met, certain actions are executed. Because the smart contract is stored on all computers on the network, everyone must run it and get the same result. This way users can be sure that the result is correct.
After this brief introduction to the broad topic of Blockchain and Smart Contracts, we can already see that this technology opens many doors to new decentralized businesses and eliminates the need for expensive third parties. Many new companies are now working on this technology, and large companies are testing it in closed networks to collaborate directly with each other without the need for intermediaries. For that reason, there is a lot of projects that are starting to use this new technology. However, not all of them are worth it. We have to read well what each project is dedicated to, what is its whitepaper, its qualified advisors, etc. As I said, blockchain technology has gained popularity due to the hype about cryptocurrencies which has shaken many startups to launch their own cryptocurrencies even without convincing fundamentals. This trend has emerged because new entrants have been more agile in adopting emerging technologies compared to incumbents who are hampered by legacy systems. However, this competitiveness and this advantage enjoyed by the new players may be short-lived, as no economies of scale are taken into account.
For this reason, the project I am going to present you is LabStart, an investment platform based on blockchain technology that facilitate access to investment for innovation projects, avoiding intermediaries.
As I said before, LabStart ( LAB ) is an investment platform based on a chain of blocks that offers a safe and decentralized alternative to the traditional innovation investment ecosystem

The main objective of LabStart is to simplify and facilitate the investment. Because it is essential that LabCoin be easily accessible and free of circulation, the ensuing goal is to partner with the main exchanges to allow access to LabCoin to everyone.
As secondary objectives, the platform aims to allow anyone to invest directly in the innovation projects presented and allow investors to own a part of the patents resulting from the project. In addition, in order to respond to the growing challenges of our society, LabStart aims to bridge the gap between people and possible innovative solutions. Finally, another objective of the LabStart project is to rationalize and simplify access to investment, which will allow companies and organizations to present their innovation. in a dedicated platform.
How it works
Allowing investors to own intellectual property, LabStart's vision is to make investment in research accessible to people around the world.
Thus, to streamline and simplify access to investment by stakeholders, while eliminating many intermediaries, LabStart allows companies and organizations to present their innovation projects on a dedicated platform and acts as a kind of crowdfunding solution for these innovation projects.
In addition, by creating investment opportunities for people and allowing them to invest in research projects without minimum requirements, investors are collaborative owners of the ownership of inventions through patents.
The decentralized investment platform of LabStart is a third-party service where research projects that need investments are shown. The proprietary investors of LabCoins can choose projects in which they create and back them with LabCoin. LabCoin will be issued first during the OIC and then negotiated on the market exchanges.
Thanks to blockchain technologies and smart contracts, it is possible to share intellectual property and supervise projects, security and transparency of investments, as well as the situation of each investor on a project is also guaranteed by the use of several cryptocurrency technologies. Finally, a legal department is responsible for validating all legal aspects with the competent administrations.
Captura de pantalla 2018-06-24 a les 15.33.26.png

LabStart Official Video :

Invest using LabCoins
To make investing in innovative projects easier, LabStart has developed its own token: LabCoin. Aside from being independent of changes in fiat currency rates like dollars, LabCoin enables easier interaction with smart contracts, considering it is an ERC20 token.
LabStart intends to follow up as described in the white paper. However, it is impossible to predict the future, and changes in business strategy, regulatory environment, technology, and other unforeseen circumstances may lead to deviations from the plan outlined. LabStart intends to faithfully follow up the execution of a business plan but retain the right to deviate from the white book it takes to succeed.
Toke parameters
  • Token Role: The token / currency utility on the platform
  • Token Name: LabCoin
  • Token Abbreviation: LAB
  • Emission Level: No new coins will be created
  • Token Network: Ethereum (extended ERC20)
  • Max Supply (Hard Cap): 42,000,000
Sales Token
  • Pre public sale Beginning : March 25, 2018 00:00:00 UTC
  • Expires : April 25, 2018 23:59:59 UTC or if hard cap is reached
  • Token Price : 1 ETH = 500 LAB
  • Minimum Transaction : 0.1 ETH
  • Hard Cap : 8,400,000 LAB
  • Distribution : Pre-sale of LabCoins smart contract transfers directly after receiving ETH
  • Started : May 24, 2018 00:00:00 UTC
  • Expires : June 23, 2018 23:59:59 UTC or if hard cap is reached
  • Stage Token Price 1 ( first 15 days ) : 1 ETH = 400 LAB
  • Stage Token Price 2 ( last 15 days ) : 1 ETH = 300 LAB
  • Minimum Transaction : 0.1 ETH
  • Hard Cap : 24,450,000 LAB
  • Minimum Goal : 1000 ETH
  • Minimum Not Achieved : The Smart Contract will issue a refund for all contributors
  • Distribution : ICO smart contracts transfer LabCoins instantly upon receipt of ETH
Use of funds
Token Distribution

Captura de pantalla 2018-06-24 a les 15.34.09.png

The LabStart Team


For more details about our ICO you can also visit our website address below from me and thank you :

Article Author : BlackMask97
ETH : 0x4A872D9F27CC3Ddafc00714d6100aB6fAb6613ca